January 11, 2015 0 LibGuide on Digital Preservation Last year, I created a LibGuide on Digital Preservation Resources for my class in Information Services and [...]
August 5, 2014 0 #FollowBack: Issues Regarding Archiving Instagram NB: This was a paper I wrote for my library school course, LIS 647 Visual Resources on May 5, 2014. I have [...]
August 3, 2013 0 Saving for the Future: Digital Preservation, Libraries and Publishers Technology is an amazing thing. That was the basic, rather mundane thought I had on the last day of the Pratt [...]
July 28, 2013 0 Literature Review: Pratt in London 2013 1.) Boté, J., & Minguillón, J. (2012). Preservation of learning objects in digital repositories. RUSC, [...]
June 27, 2013 0 Day 3: Strand Symposium Phew, if I thought I had a lot of notes from the British Library, it’s nothing compared to the stacks [...]