May 15, 2015 0 New Post on Rough Consensus Despite all the thesis work consuming our lives, the Msc cohort is still hard at work on the student blog, [...]
April 13, 2015 0 Cutting Room Floor: Data Visualizations I recently took a class on information visualization as part of my Msc at Oxford. For my final project, I [...]
April 6, 2015 0 Instagram/Twitter uses of #Ferguson Differences in user activity/behaviors in different social networks (also: Instagram research!) from bae Pew [...]
March 29, 2015 0 Library Science + Internet Two of my brilliant friends from the Oxford Internet Institute have created a super-interesting, [...]
February 13, 2015 0 Continuing Research on Instagram Who’s researching Instagram? What are they investigating and what are they missing? If that sounds at [...]